BLUE has been involved (and still is) in several European Research projects, such as:
- PROMENVIR “High Performance Computer-Based Probabilistic Mechanical Design Environment”
Consortium members | ||
Casa | Costucciones Aeronautics SA | Spain |
Blue Engineering | Consultancy company | Italy |
Rus | Stuttgart University | Germany |
Ceit | Centro Estudios Investigation Tecnica | Spain |
Italdesign | Car designer | Italy |
PAC | Parallel Application center | UK |
UPC | Unversitad Politecnica de Catalunya | Spain |
Project goal: using Montecarlo techniques and distributed computing networks for information uncertainty analysis and management during project development
- SCAT “Hpcn Stochastic Correlation of Analysis and Test”
Consortium members | ||
Casa | Costucciones Aeronautics SA | Spain |
Blue Engineering | Consultancy company | Italy |
Envision | Consultancy company | Spain |
Ceit | Centro Estudios Investigation Tecnica | Spain |
Interspace | Space Engineering/testing | France |
Italdesign | Car designer | Italy |
CIMNE | Centro Intern.Metodos Numerico Eng. | Spain |
ICA | Stuttgart University | Germany |
Project goal: developing a new method based on HPCN (High Performance Computing Network ) to validate numerical models using statistic correlation with experimental results. This correlation is based on Montecarlo techniques, available at the moment in PROMENVIR project. It permits a high flexibility with regard to the use of numerical simulation codes.
- FSASTA “Feasibility of Using a Stochastic Approach for Space Thermal Analysis”
Partecipants | ||
Alenia | Sub contractor – Aerospace industry | Italy |
Blue Engineering | Main contractor | Italy |
The targets of the study have been:
- To verify the uselfulness of stochastic method versus the analysis, design and verification of TCS in real cases
- To evaluate its advantages / disadvantages versus the classical method for different application scenarios (type of analysis, models, spacecraft)
- To identify requirements of TCS given by the introduction of stochastic method (on TCS flow of activities, engineering skill, H/W and S/W resources)
- To edit a handbook for thermal and system engineers containing the fundamentals of stochastic method, rules and guidelines for application to S/C TCS, requirements and limits
- To ease further works on this subject
Courtesy of European Space Agency
SAE paper 2004-01-2274, “Application of Stochastic Technique to Spacecraft Thermal and Multidisciplinary Simulations”, presented at International Conference On Environmental Systems, July 2004, Colorado Springs, CO, USA
- AUDERE “AUtomatic DEsign of Rubber Entities”
Partecipants | ||
Blue Engineering | Consultancy company | Italy |
Project goal: development of a software tool for automating the design of a rubber manufact in the automotive industry (especially a door packing).
- Study on free superficials with VOF method
Partecipants | ||
Blue Engineering | Consultancy company | Italy |
DISIS | Dipartimento di Scienza ed Ingegneria dello spazio dell’ Università degli studi di Napoli “Federico II “ |
Partecipants | ||
Blue Engineering | Consultancy company | Italy |
Polito | Politecnico di Torino (subcontractor) | Italy |
Project goal: use of numerical multi-body simulation in addition to experimental tests on a scaled prototype of a railway bogie as a Design Method during the development stage of a new bogie.
Partecipants | ||
Blue Engineering | Consultancy company | Italy |
Polito | Politecnico di Torino (subcontractor) | Italy |
Nautilus s.p.a. | Design production of aerostat systems | Italy |
Centro Materie Plast. | Research centre in plastic materials | Italy |
Design and production of a fully operative prototype of an innovative aircraft having property ZEV ( Zero Emission Vehicle). Main guidelines:
- Air-static sustained vehicle
- Flight control by power systems with variable intensity and direction
- Electric engines
- Remote control link
- Reduced dimensions (no heavy transport)
- Power source: batteries, fuel cells, solar cells