

BLUE has been involved (and still is) in several European Research projects, such as:

  • PROMENVIR “High Performance Computer-Based Probabilistic Mechanical Design Environment”
Consortium members
Casa Costucciones Aeronautics SA Spain
Blue Engineering Consultancy company Italy
Rus Stuttgart University Germany
Ceit Centro Estudios Investigation Tecnica Spain
Italdesign Car designer Italy
PAC Parallel Application center UK
UPC Unversitad Politecnica de Catalunya Spain

Project goal: using Montecarlo techniques and distributed computing networks for information uncertainty analysis and management during project development

  • SCAT “Hpcn Stochastic Correlation of Analysis and Test”
Consortium members
Casa Costucciones Aeronautics SA Spain
Blue Engineering Consultancy company Italy
Envision Consultancy company Spain
Ceit Centro Estudios Investigation Tecnica Spain
Interspace Space Engineering/testing France
Italdesign Car designer Italy
CIMNE Centro Intern.Metodos Numerico Eng. Spain
ICA Stuttgart University Germany

Project goal: developing a new method based on HPCN (High Performance Computing Network ) to validate numerical models using statistic correlation with experimental results. This correlation is based on Montecarlo techniques, available at the moment in PROMENVIR project. It permits a high flexibility with regard to the use of numerical simulation codes.

Official web site

  • FSASTA “Feasibility of Using a Stochastic Approach for Space Thermal Analysis”
Alenia Sub contractor – Aerospace industry Italy
Blue Engineering Main contractor Italy

The targets of the study have been:

  • To verify the uselfulness of stochastic method versus the analysis, design and verification of TCS in real cases
  • To evaluate its advantages / disadvantages versus the classical method for different application scenarios (type of analysis, models, spacecraft)
  • To identify requirements of TCS given by the introduction of stochastic method (on TCS flow of activities, engineering skill, H/W and S/W resources)
  • To edit a handbook for thermal and system engineers containing the fundamentals of stochastic method, rules and guidelines for application to S/C TCS, requirements and limits
  • To ease further works on this subject

Courtesy of European Space Agency
SAE paper 2004-01-2274, “Application of Stochastic Technique to Spacecraft Thermal and Multidisciplinary Simulations”, presented at International Conference On Environmental Systems, July 2004, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Stochastic guidelines

  • AUDERE “AUtomatic DEsign of Rubber Entities”
Blue Engineering Consultancy company Italy

Project goal: development of a software tool for automating the design of a rubber manufact in the automotive industry (especially a door packing).

  • Study on free superficials with VOF method
Blue Engineering Consultancy company Italy
DISIS Dipartimento di Scienza ed Ingegneria dello spazio dell’ Università degli studi di Napoli “Federico II “
Blue Engineering Consultancy company Italy
Polito Politecnico di Torino (subcontractor) Italy

Project goal: use of numerical multi-body simulation in addition to experimental tests on a scaled prototype of a railway bogie as a Design Method during the development stage of a new bogie.

Blue Engineering Consultancy company Italy
Polito Politecnico di Torino (subcontractor) Italy
Nautilus s.p.a. Design production of aerostat systems Italy
Centro Materie Plast. Research centre in plastic materials Italy

Design and production of a fully operative prototype of an innovative aircraft having property ZEV ( Zero Emission Vehicle). Main guidelines:

  • Air-static sustained vehicle
  • Flight control by power systems with variable intensity and direction
  • Electric engines
  • Remote control link
  • Reduced dimensions (no heavy transport)
  • Power source: batteries, fuel cells, solar cells