An hospital solution should always be able to recognize patients and their previous medical history, in every moment of their relationship with the health institution.
In a project based on infrastructure able to give adjustable and focused answers which can link every unit and every member of the hospital staff, it is a basic feature to quickly collect patients data and to use such information giving benefits to everyone during interactions with the medical structures. The same information should be immediately available to everyone is calling for them when necessary.
Every interaction with patient should be coherent, clever and highly customized. Patients should be able to profit of hospital services everywhere, every time, every way.
- Strong increase of health system efficiency
- Short time for data acquisition, consulting and update
- Certainty in supplied therapies
- Creation of centralized main data-base
- Protection against access of non-authorized users to personal information
- Elimination of paper documents and reducion of data space
- Real costs reduction
- To evidence patient administrations: (quantity, drug type, cure)
- To automatically collect therapies information (clinical analyses, results, patient clinical picture)
- To quickly track information related to patient clinical history anytime and anywhere
- To update in real time medical equip about patient clinical elements (analyses, therapies, last check- up status)
Personnel management
- Doctors on duty
- Nursing staff
- Specialists
Patient management
- Personal data registry
- Journals management
- Remote/recent physiological and pathological anamnesis
Refresh skills management
- New therapeutic techniques
- Drug sponsor location
Value reporting
- Costs
- Statistics about interaction between patient and quality of delivered services
Information research
- Research on global statistic of diseases
- Multi-dimensional research on therapies and recovery times
- Researches on drug use and collateral effects
Sharing external files linked to patient clinical history for real time consultations
- Patient triage
- Patient anamnesis
- Specialist visits booking
- Instrumental analyses scheduling
- Visit/ drugs prescription
- Surgical operation
- Functions and vital parameters graphic management
- Patient historical data
- Patient resignation
- Sure patient identification during their whole stay in hospital, therapies, clinical analyses and operations
- Automatic counter of drugs consumption
- Reduction of paper use for clinical reports
- Optimization information flow
- Patient management: electronic logs and analyses scheduling
- Contents management: clinical record, costs/ time statistics
- Quality of service management: capacity to give focused information and to quickly answer to any requirement
- Refresh skills management: new drugs and therapies
- Advanced research on patient data: research of global statistic on diseases and multidimensional therapies
- WLAN – Wireless Local Access Network
- Hand-held PCs
- RFID &/or bar code
- Patient identification using radio-frequency 3 CHIP bracelet or bar-code