Collaborative System Manager
COllaborative System Manager
- Support calculation and analysis of several sectors projects, performed at discipline level through a common and user friendly environment, with flexible level of accuracy.
- Can describe missoin scenario, run computation processes, analyze the results and easy build reports with curves pictures ana animations.
- Concurrent Engineering approach is assisted by using OCDT as model repository.
- Developed by Blue Engineering in collaboration with Thales Alenia Space in Italia.
COSM keywords:
- Easy to use
- Efficient
- Modular
- Collaborative

- Engineering models and shown in different views, e.g. product trees, BOM etc…
- Model is fully parametric, parameters values can be evaluated including formulas.
- Data is shown by trees or grids, can be exported by a simple copy paste operation.
- Mouse driven model building.
- Configuration editor included in the 3D viewer, to speed up layout design.
- Imports geometric data from CAD.
- States based budgets
- Users Management.
- Video tutorials.
- Extensions plugins includes algorithms, parameter types, model templates viewers etc.
- Design tasks for preliminary sizing
- Post processing
AEROSPACE Plugin algorithms
- Orbit calculation.
- SC Attitude calculation.
- Movable appendage pointing law.
- Eclipse and Ground station visibility calculator.
- Animated 3D viewer
- Generic Mission data reader.

- Design of power and energy requirements for a full electric car.
- Energy consumption calculation
- Mileage Evaluation
- WLTC Cycle Simulation
- Design of power and energy requirements for electric diesel and battery powered trainset.
- Track simulation.
- Traction and braking performance.
- Axel loads.
- Brake system design.
- Air production design.

System Manager (COSM 1.2) features and usage in railways and automotive sectors. Andrea Tosetto, Matteo Gorlani Blue Engineering. (Paper and interactive demo hold during SECESA 2018 congress at TIC Glasgow, UK.)
For more info about COSM please contact BLUE Engineering Software Team