BLUE Trolley Bus
Development and implementation of a trolley bus vehicle demonstrator characterized by:
•Autonomous driving
•Electric propulsion
•Contactless charging
•Patented articulation
The BLUE Trolley Bus project is configured as highly innovative in consideration of the plurality of technological contents that it will exhibit, including contactless battery recharging, piloted driving, the joints between the cases covered by a patent that allow vehicle modularity. In this way we are talking about a green, flexible and configurable public transport vehicle that allows the same density of people transport while maintaining a high degree of on-board comfort and usability for passengers, together with a considerable operating economy.
The BTB project is an advanced and innovative solution that is fully part of the future zero-emission urban and suburban transport systems, which are an integral part of the Smart City concept and the reduction of polluting emissions from the atmosphere.
A very interesting objective is to develop a product that allows mass transport, with a minimum impact on infrastructures.
The main features of the project are demonstrated during the final presentation and the project is concluded in March 2023.
Bando: Industrializzazione dei Risultati della Ricerca – IERREquadro
Programma Operativo Regionale “Competitività regionale e occupazione”
Asse I – Ricerca, Sviluppo Tecnologico e Innovazione – Obiettivo tematico OT1 Rafforzare la ricerca, lo sviluppo tecnologico e l’innovazione
Obiettivo specifico I.1b .1 – Incremento dell’attività di innovazione delle imprese
Azione I.1b.1.1. – Sostegno alla valorizzazione economica dell’innovazione attraverso la sperimentazione e l’adozione di soluzioni innovative nei processi, nei prodotti e delle formule organizzative, nonché attraverso il finanziamento dell’industrializzazione dei risultati della ricerca.